Terms & Conditions
Classic Design and Manufacturing, Inc., dba Durabrac Architectural Components, provides our services to you subject to the following Terms and Conditions. Your use of the website and purchase of products constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
By using this website, you assume the risk that the content of this website may be inaccurate, incomplete, or may not meet your needs and requirements. Classic Design and Manufacturing, Inc. and/or www.durabrac.com specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, and noninfringement with respect to the items offered for sale on these webpages. In no event will Classic Design and Manufacturing, Inc. be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential product and/or property damage, including any injury, bodily harm, or death suffered during the installation and use of products purchased from Classic Design and Manufacturing, Inc., even if the company has been advised of the possibility for such damages.
In the event of litigation, both parties agree that the laws of the State of Florida shall apply and both parties shall consent to the jurisdiction of Florida’s courts; or, in the event of diversity citizenship, the United States District Court for the First District of Florida shall be proper jurisdiction and venue. Both parties waive any right to a trial by jury.
Classic Design and Manufacturing, Inc. allows to you a limited license to access and make personal use of this site with the agreement that you are not authorized to download the site and its contents or to modify the site and its contents except with the express written consent of Classic Design and Manufacturing, Inc.
This website, www.durabrac.com, and its contents, including text, graphics, .pdf files, .jpg files, .dwg files, logos, button icons, images, documents, and software are the sole copyright of Classic Design and Manufacturing Inc. and are protected by United States and International copyright laws. All information on www.durabrac.com belongs to the owners of this site and is not to be copied and/or used on any other site or resource without the express written permission of the owners.
Classic Design and Manufacturing, Inc. is located in Florida. Any orders shipped within the state of Florida will be charged appropriate sales tax. All products shipped anywhere out of the state of Florida will not be charged sales tax.